Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cinemalaya X Day 5 - S6parados

image from


- Unlike others, I thought there was ambition in S6parados.  The attempt to weave 6 stories through incidental circumstances is not a bad idea
- Victor Neri's portrayal is heartfelt
- Melissa Mendez shines in the scene where she lets go of Marcel

- Like the others, I thought the execution was murky, flawed and out-of-focus.  While the intersection of some stories made sense, the others felt too forced
- Suffered from incomplete development of character for the audience to relate to many of the characters.  Maybe this is the risk of having too many central characters, all of whom are portrayed by big stars.  Were they compelled to be given sufficient screen time?
- Some conflict resolution took as long as half the length of the movie, yet the others instantly thru shock factor, one after another.  Towards the end, numbness.  And the resolutions became questionable as they no longer made sense
- What a waste of talent and screen time for Ricky Davao, whose character is not fully-developed.  Cannot blame Anjo Yllana, Alfred Vargas, Diana Zubiri for their forgettable performances - there was not much to work on
- The choice of music seemed to add more confusion and discomfort rather than reinforcing emotions.  And like many other elements, the music was overworked and overplayed
- After the movie, I said "A bad Star Cinema movie", which is probably the worst description of a Cinemalaya movie I have ever seen

Rating: 3/10

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