Thursday, February 16, 2012

Modern Vending Machines

Since the trend nowadays is everything instant - instant messaging, instant notification, instant noodles - we should have expected the next evolution of vendos or vending machines

Here is the new generation vending machine from Coca-Cola.  We have this in our office, but this picture was taken from the Cebu Mactan International Airport.  The major difference is that the drink bottle does not fall anymore.  It is "fetched" by a "robot".  It was pretty cool the first time I saw it.  3-5 Pesos more expensive than usual price, but it is worth the experience for the 1st time.  try it.

I was in the US last week, and was also delighted to see something I see for the first time...a vending machine with Credit Card.  And this is by Pepsi.  First look, I thought it was really cool, sometimes you really do not have coins or even money.  But on second thought, a pepsi bottle is 1.50 dollars, hmmm worth the credit card transaction?

And then at the Chicago airport, another interesting vending machine.  Courtesy of Best Buy.  I heard about it, but it was a delight to see. 

A vending machine that sells and dispenses iPhones, iPods and gadgets.  Sobrang cool!  And of course you can pay using your credit card.

Innovations like these make you wonder what is next?  I heard in Japan, practically everything is vendo-ized.  Need to plan a trip there to get new ideas.

1 comment:

Evot said...

hindi napicturan tito ido yung vendo machine ng DVD rental dito... at thru Vendo machine mo din isosoli yung DVD and thru credit card din ang payment ng rent at overdue...