Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Inspirational Quotes from Kriza

Sometimes you need to experience everything so that you would learn

there's no easy way in living life so live it as it is



Be crazy.  And don't miss the chances that life is giving you

Because the most important things are not things at all.

most of the time, they are PEOPLE making your life worth living

Smooth roads never make good drivers...

Smooth seas never make good sailors...

Clear skies never make good pilots...

A free and easy life NEVER make a strong and good person

Be strong enough to accept challenges of life

Be strong.  remember, not everything has a happy ending and endings don't mean THE END

It's just a way of telling us that there's a new beginning ahead of us

You should always be ready for the unpredictable and expect the unexpected.

It's easy to fall, hard to get up.  BUt once you're up and back on track, you will be a better person

Olives are crushed to make the best oils

Grapes are squeezed to make the finest wines

Roses are pressed to make the most fragrant perfumes

Have you been crushed, squeezed and pressed by life's trials and difficulties.

Maybe life is bringing out the best in you.

It's better to enjoy life committing mistakes and then learn,

rather than playing safe your entire life and learn nothing at all

and finally...

minsan naiisip ko ayos na din ang ganitong buhay...

yung tipong hindi man ako laging masaya...

lagi naman akong maganda...

(nyahahaha = D)

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